la liberté guidant le peuple (circa 1830)

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The image depicts a preliminary study by Eugène Delacroix for his iconic painting "Liberty Leading the People," created around 1830. In this evocative sketch, Delacroix explores the elemental forms and dynamic composition that would later define the final masterpiece. The painting serves as a timeless symbol of freedom and revolution, capturing the spirit of the July Revolution in France.In the composition, a personification of Liberty takes center stage, holding aloft a flag, which in the final painting would be the tricolor flag of France, symbolizing liberty and democratic ideals. Around her, the figures seem to emerge from the tumultuous scene, representing different segments of society united in the struggle for freedom.Delacroix's use of loose brushwork and monochromatic tones in this study emphasizes movement and emotion over precise detail, allowing viewers to sense the urgency and fervor of the revolutionary moment.


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Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix (26 April 1798 – 13 August 1863) was a French Romantic artist regarded from the outset of his career as the leader of the French Romantic school.