Sortie Du Troupeau Du Rue Chailly (1904)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Artist:"Sortie Du Troupeau Du Rue Chailly," painted by Léon Augustin Lhermitte in 1904, is a captivating representation of rustic daily life in the French countryside. Lhermitte, renowned for his Realist approach, masterfully captures a shepherd leading his flock of sheep along a country road, the scene imbued with a sense of gentle motion and bucolic tranquility.The painting is set against a backdrop of lush countryside and a quiet village. The towering trees and a traditional haystack accentuate the rural feel of the setting. The shepherd, clad in a weathered cloak and hat, exudes a demeanor of experienced calm and familiarity with his pastoral duties, faithfully accompanied by a dog, a loyal guardian and helper in his daily tasks.The textures in this painting are a testament to Lhermitte’s meticulous attention to detail—from the fluffy wool of the sheep to the rough stone of the buildings and the leafy foliage of the trees. The use of natural, subdued colors helps evoke a serene, almost timeless atmosphere."Sortie Du Troupeau Du Rue Chailly" not only portrays a simple moment in rural life but also evokes a deeper sense of connection to the land and traditional ways of life slowly fading from the modern world.


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Léon Augustin Lhermitte was a French naturalist painter and etcher whose primary subject matter was rural scenes depicting peasants at work.

He was a student of Lecoq de Boisbaudran, he gained recognition after his show in the Paris Salon in 1864.

His many awards include the French Legion of Honour (1884) and the Grand Prize at the Exposition Universelle in 1889.