Entrée de l’ancien cimetière Saint-André, 13 rue Suger, en 1906. 6ème arrondissement (1906)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Frédéric Houbron’s evocative painting, "Entrée de l’ancien cimetière Saint-André, 13 rue Suger, en 1906," captures a bustling Parisian street scene in the 6th arrondissement from the early 20th century. This watercolor paints a vivid picture of daily life in Paris with its rich, textural brushwork and a palette that reflects the luminosity of the city.The composition features the charming architectural details typical of old Paris, including tall, timeworn buildings and traditional wooden doors. A prominent feature is the quaint doorway, possibly leading to the old Saint-André Cemetery, suggesting a narrative steeped in historical context.The street is alive with activity; pedestrians in period attire go about their day, while a horse-drawn cart occupies the center, hinting at the era before automobiles dominated city transport. There is also a sense of immediacy and movement in the scene, with figures shown in mid-motion and the delicate play of light and shadow creating a dynamic ambiance.Houbron’s work not only offers a glimpse into the architectural and social fabric of Paris in 1906 but also evokes the transient beauty of everyday moments.


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Frédéric Houbron (11 January 1851 - 16 October 1908) was a French painter.