Im Garten (1920)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are delighted to present a remarkable piece from Max Liebermann, "Im Garten" (In the Garden) created in 1920. This drawing encapsulates the tranquil essence of a serene garden setting, illustrating Liebermann's masterful use of light and shadow in a seemingly spontaneous composition.At first glance, the viewer may be drawn to the focal point of the image—a scene set with wooden garden chairs and a table, inviting one to sit and enjoy the natural beauty. The loosely defined figures, rendered with quick, expressive lines, impart a sense of casual garden life, possibly capturing a moment of everyday leisure or a fleeting interaction among the garden's visitors.The garden space itself is articulated through sketchy, dynamic strokes that suggest lush foliage and dappled sunlight, creating an atmosphere of peaceful seclusion. The figures, while only lightly detailed, contribute to this relaxed narrative, with their hats and attire reflecting the fashion of the era, adding a historical depth to the drawing."Im Garten" not only showcases Liebermann's skill with the pencil but also evokes a specific moment in time, reflecting the relaxed pace and aesthetic sensibilities of garden culture in the early 20th century. This piece is a testament to Liebermann's ability to capture the essence of a setting and its occupants with minimal yet effective strokes.


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Max Liebermann was a German painter and printmaker of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, and one of the leading proponents of Impressionism in Germany.

The son of a Jewish fabric manufacturer turned banker from Berlin, Liebermann grew up in an imposing town house alongside the Brandenburg Gate.

He first studied law and philosophy at the University of Berlin, but later studied painting and drawing in Weimar in 1869, in Paris in 1872, and in the Netherlands in 1876–77.