April (1918)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to our exploration of "April (1918)" by Julie de Graag, an intriguing piece that captures the essence of spring with its vibrant and dynamic motifs. This woodcut print, characterized by its stark contrasts and flowing lines, stands as an exquisite example of de Graag's unique style and finesse in handling both form and symbol.In this striking composition, the central focus is on a symmetrical display of blooming tulips. These flowers, a herald of spring, are rendered with meticulous detail showing the intricacies of their petals and leaves. The tulips are arranged in a way that almost appears to mirror itself vertically, which may suggest themes of growth and rebirth typical to the season it represents.The artwork's dark background contrasts sharply with the white and green shades used for the tulips, enhancing their delicate forms and making the image pop with a lively, almost ethereal quality. De Graag's use of the color green not only underscores the freshness of spring but also adds a layer of depth, possibly hinting at the rejuvenation of life during this hopeful time of year."April" by Julie de Graag is not just a depiction of spring flowers but a beautifully crafted piece that invites viewers to contemplate the renewal and beauty inherent in nature.


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Compilation of human portraits, sketches and graphic arts from the 19th century by Julie de Graag (1877–1924), a female Dutch graphic artist and painter. She mainly produced graphic works in an Art Nouveau style which have been described as being both “sober yet refined”.