Portrait of Sir Campbell Clarke (1899)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We proudly present Jean Béraud's exquisite masterpiece, "Portrait of Sir Campbell Clarke," painted in 1899. This painting beautifully captures the essence of Sir Campbell Clarke, portrayed with an air of distinguished elegance.The work depicts Sir Campbell Clarke standing upright in a traditional dark, double-breasted coat complemented by a refined white shirt and a neatly arranged red flower boutonniere. His poised demeanor is accented by a pair of white gloves he holds in one hand and a walking stick in the other, suggesting his readiness to engage with the world outside. His facial expression, with a soft, contemplative gaze, projects a blend of wisdom and genteel reserve.The background retains a subdued palette, featuring a mottled grey environment that draws all attention to the subject himself. Particularly notable is the subtle hint of a "Daily" newspaper, partially seen behind him, hinting at Clarke's possible connection to journalism or his informed status.Jean Béraud, renowned for his Belle Époque style paintings, reflects his skillful depiction of urban life and notable figures through this portrait. The artwork not only captures the physical likeness but also the personality and social stature of Sir Campbell Clarke, making it a significant cultural artifact of its time. This painting invites viewers to delve into the late 19th-century setting and appreciate a moment captured with graceful realism.Come view this remarkable portrayal of a figure emblematic of his era, where every brushstroke narrates a story of prestige and poise.


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Jean Béraud was a French painter renowned for his numerous paintings depicting the life of Paris, and the nightlife of Paris society. Pictures of the Champs Elysees, cafés, Montmartre and the banks of the Seine are precisely detailed illustrations of everyday Parisian life during the "Belle Époque". He also painted religious subjects in a contemporary setting.