Au café, dit l’Absinthe (1909)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Au café, dit l’Absinthe," a compelling painting by the renowned French artist Jean Béraud, captures a poignant, intimate moment set within the atmospheric confines of a Parisian café. Painted in 1909, this work offers a vivid glimpse into the social habits and cultural ambiance of early 20th-century Paris.The painting depicts two figures, a man and a woman, seated at a small table laden with the remnants of their café visit—glasses of absinthe, a common alcoholic beverage of the era known for its strong, herbal flavor and supposed psychoactive properties. The environment is richly detailed, with dark wooden paneling and reflections in a large mirror subtly echoing the figures and adding depth to the scene.The woman, dressed in an elegant coat with a flamboyant hat adorned with feathers, appears lost in thought or perhaps fatigued, gazing downward with a distant look. Her companion, a man in a hat and suit, handles a carafe of water, perhaps preparing to dilute his drink. His expression, concentrated yet somewhat detached, complements the woman's introspective demeanor.Béraud's use of lighting focuses attention on the central figures, highlighting their facial expressions and the textures of their clothing, thereby enhancing the overall mood of introspection and quietude. The interplay of light and shadow, along with the reflective surface of the table and the mirror in the background, skillfully conveys the atmosphere of a typical Parisian café.


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Jean Béraud was a French painter renowned for his numerous paintings depicting the life of Paris, and the nightlife of Paris society. Pictures of the Champs Elysees, cafés, Montmartre and the banks of the Seine are precisely detailed illustrations of everyday Parisian life during the "Belle Époque". He also painted religious subjects in a contemporary setting.