Parisienne sur la place de la Concorde (1885)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Discover "Parisienne sur la place de la Concorde" (1885) by Jean Béraud, an artwork that encapsulates the elegance and dynamism of 19th-century Parisian life. This painting portrays a fashionable woman in a striking black ensemble highlighted with a feather boa and an intricate feathered hat, embodying the chic Parisian style of the era. She walks confidently across the Place de la Concorde, one of Paris's major public squares, easily discernible by its distinctive lampposts and statues faintly visible in the background.The artist, Jean Béraud, is renowned for his keen ability to capture the everyday life of Parisians with a sharp eye for detail and vibrant characterization. In this work, the wintery haze that blurs the edges of the scene suggests a chilly but active day, as other figures, possibly other city dwellers or flâneurs, are seen moving about their day in the background.The woman's direct gaze towards the viewer, and her slightly hurried pose, as she clutches a purse and perhaps a gift, suggests she has just emerged from a shopping spree or is on an important errand. Her expressive eyes and the lightness of her stride breathe life into the canvas, making this painting not only a representation of a moment in time but also a storytelling piece that invites viewers to ponder the narratives of those depicted."Parisienne sur la place de la Concorde" highlights Béraud’s mastery in portraying the subtle interplay of light and texture, bringing an almost photographic realism that is both intimate and evocative.


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Jean Béraud was a French painter renowned for his numerous paintings depicting the life of Paris, and the nightlife of Paris society. Pictures of the Champs Elysees, cafés, Montmartre and the banks of the Seine are precisely detailed illustrations of everyday Parisian life during the "Belle Époque". He also painted religious subjects in a contemporary setting.