Trianon-Concert (1897)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Georges Meunier's 1897 work, Trianon-Concert, immerses us in the vibrant cultural life of Paris at the end of the 19th century. This colorful lithographic poster was initially crafted to advertise the nightly shows at the Grand Jardin de L'Élysée Montmartre, a renowned venue along the Boulevard Rochechouart.The painting vividly depicts two elegantly dressed women in conversation amidst a bustling garden concert. The woman on the left, adorned in a white dress and a lavish white hat decorated with flowers, leans back in her chair with a coy smile, sipping from a slender glass. Her companion, clad in a striking red dress with an equally flamboyant hat accented with black flowers, listens intently while holding a cherry to her lips, her expression one of engaged amusement.In the background, a crowd of onlookers, beneath strings of delicate lights, enjoys the lively outdoor performance, suggested by a bandstand set in a leafy canopy. The use of bold, flat colors and strong outlines exemplifies the art nouveau style that was prevalent at the time, reflecting the joie de vivre of Parisian society and the city’s flourishing artistic landscape.Trianon-Concert is not merely an advertisement but a snapshot of a scene rich with cultural and social interaction, capturing a moment when Paris was the heart of artistic innovation and social gatherings.


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Georges Meunier (1869-1942) - French painter and decorative artist.