Gewitter (around 1923)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Gewitter," a stirring artwork by Karl Wiener circa 1923, presents an evocative interpretation of a cityscape under the tumult of an approaching storm. This painting captivates the viewer with its moody juxtaposition of darkness and fleeting light.In the composition, the dominance of dark, swirling clouds portends the intensity of an imminent storm. These clouds hang heavily over the city, casting shadows and suggesting a dramatic change in the atmosphere. The earthy and subdued palette reinforces the sense of an overcast day, punctuated by hints of yellow and orange which seem to depict the city lights' struggle against the gloomy weather, offering a glimmer of warmth against the cool tones.The city itself is abstractly rendered, with building forms simplified and stacked closely together, enhancing the feeling of an urban environment dense and compact, perhaps echoing the oppressive air before a storm. Wiener’s use of texture and the interplay of light and dark intensify the painting's emotional impact, making "Gewitter" not just a visual experience but a visceral one.Displayed with a bold red border, the piece is further emphasized, drawing the viewer’s eye inward, towards the tumultuous heart of the cityscape. This artwork is a profound example of expressionism where color and form convey deeper feelings of anticipation and the sublime force of nature.


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Karl Wiener was an Austrian draftsman , graphic artist and photo montage artist. Because of his political and time-critical montages of the 1930s and 1940s, he was posthumously referred to as the Austrian John Heartfield on the occasion of the major retrospective on his estate in the Wien Museum.