Allegory Of The Sense Of Smell (1617-1618)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Delve into the lush, verdant world painted by the masterful Peter Paul Rubens in *Allegory of the Sense of Smell*. Created in the early 17th century, this enchanting artwork is a profound exploration of human sensory perception, depicted through a tableau rich in symbolic and natural elements.In the foreground, the painting features two figures—likely depicting deities or mythical beings—immersed in a luxurious landscape abundant with a variety of flowers and plants. Each bloom, carefully and vividly rendered, suggests the intoxicating aromas they emit, inviting the viewer to almost perceive the scents through their visual portrayal. The figures themselves are engaged in the act of smelling, further emphasizing the painting's theme.The composition also includes animals, like a peacock and a dog, each adding another layer of life and dynamism to the scene. These creatures, often symbols of nobility and fidelity, complement the overall theme of nature and sensory experience.Flanking this central scene are stately buildings and a distant landscape, suggesting a harmonious coexistence between the cultivated and the wild, between human constructions and nature’s creations. The careful balance of architecture and flora creates a serene yet vibrant setting, enhancing the allegory's effect.*Allegory of the Sense of Smell* is not just a feast for the eyes but an invitation to think about how closely tied our experience of the world is to our senses. It encourages a deeper appreciation for the often overlooked - yet deeply integral - sense of smell, celebrating its role in our interaction with the world around us.


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Sir Peter Paul Rubens was a Flemish artist and diplomat from the Duchy of Brabant in the Southern Netherlands (modern-day Belgium). He is considered the most influential artist of the Flemish Baroque tradition. Rubens's highly charged compositions reference erudite aspects of classical and Christian history. His unique and immensely popular Baroque style emphasized movement, colour, and sensuality, which followed the immediate, dramatic artistic style promoted in the Counter-Reformation. Rubens was a painter producing altarpieces, portraits, landscapes, and history paintings of mythological and allegorical subjects. He was also a prolific designer of cartoons for the Flemish tapestry workshops and of frontispieces for the publishers in Antwerp.