Arrangement With White Jug, Orange And Book

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Arrangement with White Jug, Orange and Book" by Vilhelm Lundstrøm displays a contemplative composition in the style of modernist still life painting. The artwork centers on a few simple elements: a white jug, a vivid orange, and a book, all set against a dark blue background. The painting skillfully employs geometric abstraction. Each object is defined by clean, bold lines that delineate their basic forms, sharp and clear amidst the deepness of the monochromatic backdrop.The white jug is positioned prominently on the left, its curves standing out sharply against the rectilinear shapes that form the base and background. The orange, with its rich, textured color, offers a striking contrast in both shape and hue, drawing the eye as a focal point amidst the more muted colors around it. Below these, a book adds an element of intellectual or reflective depth, suggesting a pause or a moment of stillness, perhaps symbolic of the artist's contemplation.The strategic use of color blocks—primarily blue, white, orange, and the earth tones of the book and platforms—creates a harmonious but dynamic interplay, energizing the composition while maintaining a sense of simplicity and balance. Lundstrøm's meticulous approach to shape and color, along with the overall minimalistic aesthetic, invites the viewer to appreciate the beauty of everyday objects elevated through artistic vision.


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Female art nudes and still life by Vilhelm Lundstrøm (1893-1950), a Danish modernist painter. The artworks feature stylized compositions, well-considered bold colors, and decorative expression. Lundstrøm was a major figure in Danish Modernism, and his art had a significant impact on Scandinavian architectural and interior design, including the work of furniture designer Finn Juhl.