Waterloo Bridge From Over Charing Cross Bridge

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This evocative painting by Joseph Pennell titled "Waterloo Bridge From Over Charing Cross Bridge" offers a uniquely atmospheric depiction of the iconic London scenery. Utilizing subdued tones on a grey background, Pennell intricately sketches the industrial silhouette of Waterloo Bridge as seen from the vantage point of Charing Cross Bridge. The scene is subtly enlivened with splashes of color, likely representing lights or possibly distant vehicles or boats, enhancing the urban impression.The overall effect is both dim and ethereal, capturing the misty, fog-laden air that often blankets the Thames, typical of a London setting. The detailed strokes for the bridge and the blurred hints of activity suggest movement and the bustling nature of the city, juxtaposed against the calm and serenity often associated with rivers. This contrast adds a layer of depth to the artwork, inviting the viewer to ponder the coexistence of tranquility and dynamism in urban life.


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Architecture, cityscapes, industrial scenes and landmarks by Joseph Pennell (1857-1926), American etcher, draftsman, lithographer and illustrator of books and magazines. Pennell published over 100 books, and collaborated on some travel books together with his wife, author Elizabeth Robins Pennell. He distinguished himself as one of America's most important etchers, and he helped to propel the revival of printmaking.