
Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting portrays a vibrant and lush jungle scene filled with various types of foliage in a multitude of colors ranging from deep greens to sunny yellows, and fiery reds to cool blues. Dominating the central part of the composition is a large, vividly colored chameleon, its skin dotted with shades of azure and turquoise, harmonizing with its surroundings yet standing out due to its intricate texture and the detailed rendering of its scales. The chameleon blends seamlessly into the scene as it perches on a thick, woody branch that cuts diagonally across the canvas. Various leaves partially obscure the creature, adding a sense of depth and camouflage.


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A. Braziūnas doesn't avoid bright and colorful strokes. Also doesn't avoid to experiment and try something new - from realistic flowers, pictorial landscapes to glowing sheeps. The artis't works are in the private collections in Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Finland and America.

Painter Artūras Braziūnas is a member of Lithuanian artists association, he studied at Vilnius M. K. Čiurlionis Art School. Six years he studied painting at Vilnius Art School. Artūras Braziūnas has held over 30 personal exhibitions. His works are exhibited in more than 20 group exhibitions in Lithuania, Poland, Netherlands, USA. In 2015 artist participated in "ArtExpo" exhibition in New York, where his works with sheeps attracted high interest.

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Giclée quality print

60x60 cm
