Floral Still Life (1670-1690)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting titled "Floral Still Life" from the period between 1670 and 1690, presents a stunning depiction of blooms and objects that evoke a sense of timeless beauty and subtle vitality. The composition features an arrangement of lush, fully blossomed pink roses, along with bud-laden stems and a few scattered petals, artistically placed in a clear glass vase. The transparency of the vase reveals the intricately detailed stems submerged underwater, adding a touch of realism to the painting.Adding to the vivid flora are other elements of nature and objects of daily life that enrich the painting’s narrative. A partially peeled lemon with its vibrant yellow hue contrasts with the deep pinks and greens, suggesting a hint of freshness. Moreover, a silver drinking cup lies beside it, its reflective surface subtly picking up on the colors around it. Not to overlook, a small snail makes its way across the composition, symbolizing perhaps the slow passage of time and the natural decay that contrasts the blooming flowers.This painting not only captures the ephemeral beauty of nature but also evokes a contemplation on the transience of life, typical of still life paintings from this era.


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Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
