Life Under The Tree

Technique: Giclée quality print
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More about this artwork

"Life Under The Tree" by Modestas Malinauskas is a vivid and thought-provoking painting that skillfully merges elements of realism and fantasy. The scene is set under a large, lush tree in a vast, open landscape. The canopy of the tree is heavy with green spheres, possibly symbolic fruits or manifestations of life's offerings, suspended as if defying gravity. These orbs vary in size and emit a gentle luminance, contributing to the mystical aura of the scene.Central to the painting is a small, serene pond reflecting the sky above, with several of these green orbs floating on its surface or gently submerged, suggesting a connection between different elements of the environment. The water is painted with swirls of blue, hinting at movement beneath the surface. Intriguing fish-like creatures can be spotted within the pond, further emphasizing the theme of life and ecosystem interconnectedness.The ground is covered in yellow and green foliage, possibly indicating a season like early autumn. This expanse leads to a horizon of similarly styled trees, creating a sense of continuity and unity in the landscape.Overall, the painting exudes a tranquil yet enigmatic atmosphere, inviting viewers to contemplate the cycles of nature and the interconnectedness of life itself. The use of color, light, and composition by Malinauskas not only beautifies the scene but also infuses it with a deeper meaning, possibly reflecting on the bounty and mystery of life's processes.


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Hello, I am a Lithuanian artist Modestas Malinauskas. I was working as a fireman some time ago, now I am creating paintings.

Those paintings are born in my fantasies and dreams. Every single one has a story of its own. I always know the story, but sometimes it is not so easy to tell it in words. The easiest way for me to express it - is to paint it. 

My inspiration comes from traveling and different experiences in my life. What I see and what I feel stays with me and I express it with oil on canvases.

When painting, I often use artists knife and layering techniques. My works take some time to create, because of different layers of paint. I let the first few layers dry and after that, I apply transparent overlaps of paint. The end result is what you see. 

Enjoy my artworks! 

At REPRODUKCIJOS.LT you can find highest quality reproductions of Modestas Malinauskas artworks. They are printed on highest quality natural canvas, come stretched on a wooden frame and are ready to hang. Reproduction is a second best thing... after an original artwork.

If you are interested in originals, Modestas is an active artist and paints a few original paintings every year. If you are looking for an original artwork by Modestas, you can find and purchase them HERE!

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