
Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting "Moonbather" by Mantas Daujotas is focused primarily on a traditional clawfoot bathtub, filled with what appears to be vivid blue water. The setting looks to be a dark room illuminated possibly by moonlight, which enhances the serene and somewhat mysterious atmosphere of the composition.There's a strong contrast in the artwork between the deep shades of the room and the bright white of the bathtub, with a luminous blue water inside it. The light seems to cast a shadow of the bathtub onto the surrounding surface, displaying intricate details such as the patterned tile floor with geometric designs. This shadowing could symbolize various deeper meanings, perhaps touching on themes of solitude, reflection, or the interplay between light and darkness.The perspective of the painting places the viewer almost directly above the tub, adding an intimate yet detached quality to how we observe this still scene. The simplicity of the composition invites contemplation, asking the viewer to ponder the quiet moments of solitude and the tranquil, almost sacred act of bathing under the gentle gaze of moonlight. The artist's choice to isolate the tub in the vast darkness also heightens the focus on the central subject, making it a sanctuary of calm in the surrounding gloom.


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Mantas Daujotas (b. 1993) – painter and musician based in Kaunas. As of 2017 a certified bachelor in painting with a couple of personal and several group exhibitions in a short period of time he’s considered a promising young artist. His paintings showcase a wide range of different subjects, although very rarely a human figure. Dark corridors, spaces stuffed with silence and rays of light, carrying a mystical narrative – these are some of the more representative characteristics of Daujotas’ paintings.

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