
Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting depicts a haunting blend of overlapping geometric forms and human features in a primarily monochrome palette, punctuated with shades of black and white. Dark, angular lines crisscross and overlap, creating a sense of confinement around a central, indistinct figure whose features emerge ghostlike from the shadows. Eyes appear closed or obscured, enhancing the feeling of entrapment and anonymity. Streaks and textures throughout suggest both movement and a struggle against the confining bars, invoking a stark atmosphere of tension and despair.


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Please note that we accept a maximum of two returns per customer. Since reproductions are made to order, we encourage you to choose responsibly.

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Drawing and painting for me is like a meditation that allows you to release your imagination and forget about everyday worries. I use a variety of techniques to achieve the best results - from acrylic and oil paints to a simple pencil or colored pens.