Die Insekten, Tausendfüssler und Spinnen Pl 14 (1877)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting "Die Insekten, Tausendfüßler und Spinnen Pl 14" by Alfred Edmund Brehm, created in 1877, presents a vivid and dynamic scene focused on the mesmerizing world of insects. This artwork captures a swarm of what appears to be mayflies, meticulously detailed, fluttering vigorously above a lush, green landscape. The myriad wings, depicted in delicate textures and soft colors, contrast strikingly against a golden, shimmering backdrop simulating the light of a setting or rising sun.Brehm’s use of naturalistic colors and close attention to the anatomical accuracy of the insects showcases his deep understanding and appreciation of nature’s subtle complexities. The background, while subdued, features hints of water and distant greenery, suggesting that these insects are near a lake or river—a common habitat for mayflies. The painting not only celebrates the beauty and frenetic activity of these creatures but also reflects on the ephemeral nature of life, as mayflies are known for their notably short lifespans.


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Alfred Edmund Brehm (2 February 1829 – 11 November 1884) was a German zoologist, writer, director of zoological gardens and the son of Christian Ludwig Brehm, a famous pastor and ornithologist.