Naise portree (between 1923 and 1924)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Konrad Mägi's painting "Naise portree" (Portrait of a Woman), created between 1923 and 1924, is a mesmerizing example of the artist’s luminous and expressive approach to portraiture. This striking piece features a woman dressed in a vividly rich, rusty red garment with a deep blue background that exudes intensity and depth. Her contemplative gaze looks off to the side, suggesting a moment of introspection or quietude, captured in bold strokes and contrasting colors.Mägi’s use of color in this portrait is particularly notable. His technique creates an almost incandescent effect, where the subject seems to radiate with an inner light. The woman's face is rendered with delicate yet assured brushwork, highlighting her soft yet pronounced features, like her fair skin and dark, flowing hair. The expressive quality of the painting gives the viewer an intimate glimpse into the subject's inner world, enhanced by the dramatic play of color and shadow.


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Konrad Vilhelm Mägi was an Estonian painter, primarily known for his landscape work. He was one of the most colour-sensitive Estonian painters of the first decades of the 20th century, and Mägi's works on motifs of the island of Saaremaa are the first modern Estonian nature paintings.