Chevalier sur son cheval pointant sa lance contre un diablotin

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are proud to feature the symbolically rich artwork titled "Chevalier sur son cheval pointant sa lance contre un diablotin" by the renowned Swiss-born French artist, Eugène Grasset. This vibrant and captivating piece showcases Grasset's expertise in integrating Art Nouveau styles with traditional storytelling.In this illustration, we see a dynamic scene where a noble knight, adorned in a beautifully patterned armor of hearts, charges forward on his spirited white steed. The knight confronts a menacing creature, a small diabolical figure with sharp features, which stands in a sinister, shadowy forest. Armed with a long lance, the knight appears poised and determined, embodying the traditional virtues of bravery and heroism.The background is equally striking, with intricately designed foliage and a variety of decorative elements that frame the central action. A white bird, possibly symbolizing purity or the knight's noble intent, flies above the scene, enhancing the theme of good versus evil. The borders are richly ornamented with artistic motifs that include floral patterns and serpentine designs, contributing to the overall medieval atmosphere of the tableau.This painting not only reflects Grasset's mastery of color and form but also his ability to evoke deeper narratives through his art.


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Eugène Samuel Grasset (25 May 1845 – 23 October 1917) was a Swiss decorative artist who worked in Paris, France in a variety of creative design fields during the Belle Époque. He is considered a pioneer in Art Nouveau design.