Der Tanzmeister (1912)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Ernst Stern’s vibrant artwork "Der Tanzmeister" captures a dynamic moment of a dance master in motion. Dressed in elaborate 17th-century costume, the figure dominates the composition, which Stern enriches with meticulous detail and vivid color.The central figure, full of life, is depicted playing a violin while engaged in a dance step, his expression one of focus and enjoyment. His attire, rich in shades of blue and accented with whites and creams, elaborates on the fashion of the time, emphasizing the artistry and flamboyance of both his profession and personality. From the large, feathered blue hat to the intricately adorned shoes, every element of his costume is rendered with care and contributes to the overall impact of the painting.Stern’s use of color contrasts dramatically against the plain, light background, directing all attention to the dancer and his vibrant garb. "Der Tanzmeister" not only highlights Stern's skill in portraying historical subjects with a modern twist but also invites viewers to appreciate the entwined arts of music and dance, as practiced by past masters of these crafts.This delightful portrayal is more than just an artistic expression; it is a window into the past, capturing the essence of a dance master's role in entertaining and teaching through the universal language of music and movement.


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Ernst Stern (1 April 1876 – 28 August 1954) was a Romanian-German scenic designer who, through his collaborations with most of the prominent German directors of the early 20th century, helped define the aesthetic of expressionism in both the theatre and the cinema.