Portrait de Femme au Grand Chapeau (circa 1917)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This enchanting painting, titled "Portrait de Femme au Grand Chapeau" (Portrait of a Woman with a Large Hat), circa 1917, is a masterful work by the French painter Pierre Bonnard. Known for his vibrant color palette and intimate portraits, Bonnard captures the essence of the subject with a sense of warmth and immediacy.The portrait features a woman adorned with a large, light-colored hat that sits elegantly on her head, framing her softly contoured face. Her expression, though subtly rendered, conveys a gentle demeanor with a hint of a smile playing on her lips. The background behind her bursts with a blend of yellows and oranges, suggesting a sunny outdoor setting that complements the lightness of her hat and blue attire.Bonnard’s brushwork is loose and expressive, allowing colors to blend naturally on the canvas, which creates a lively, impressionistic effect. The warmth of the palette and the informal pose of the woman contribute to the painting's inviting and serene atmosphere, making it a captivating piece of the artist's oeuvre.This painting is an exemplary showcase of Bonnard’s talent in using color and light to encapsulate the fleeting moments of everyday life, making the mundane mesmerizing through his artistic vision.


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Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) was a French post-impressionist painter, printmaker, and the leader of the Intimist art movement. He is regarded as one of the greatest colourists of modern art. Together with other young artists in Montmarte, Bonnard co-founded the group known as Les Nabis, translated from the arabic word “prophet”. He was known for a painting style that was very intimate, featuring friends in a garden, nudes, interiors and sunlit objects of everyday life. He began by painting in watercolor, composing scenes and deeply familiarizing himself with the subject, before transferring the composition to canvas. In many of his paintings, his mistress Marthe was the main subject. She was his most important model and was often pictured nude, after 30 years they finally married.