Rowan Tree (1908)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Rowan Tree" (1908) by Pekka Halonen is an exquisite example of the Finnish artist’s mastery in capturing the essence of nature through paint. This painting draws the viewer into a serene landscape enriched by the vibrant tones of a rowan tree in full bloom. Halonen’s use of vivid reds and lush greens highlights the dense clusters of berries, which contrast beautifully against the soft, sky-lit background.The viewer is also led down a gentle, winding path that suggests a deeper journey into the tranquil setting. The composition balances the tree's robust, leafy presence against the calming blue of a distant lake and the muted tones of a sky scattered with light clouds. This artwork embodies a moment of rural peace, typical of Halonen’s style, which often focused on natural beauty and pastoral scenes.Through "Rowan Tree," Halonen not only showcases his talent in using color and form to invoke deep, emotional resonance but also preserves a moment in time within the Finnish landscape, inviting contemplation and appreciation of the simple, yet profound beauty of the natural world.


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Pekka Halonen was a painter of Finnish landscapes and people in the national romantic style. His favorite subjects were the Finnish landscape and its people which he depicted in his Realist style.

Pekka Halonen was born on 23 September 1865 in Linnasalmi, Lapinlahti, Finland, the son of Olli Halonen, a farmer, and Wilhelmina Halonen (née Uotinen).