Hey! up the chimney, lass! Hey after you! (1911)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Hey! up the chimney, lass! Hey after you!" is a captivating piece created by the renowned British illustrator Arthur Rackham in 1911. This illustration is steeped in enchantment and dynamic motion, capturing the exhilaration and whimsy of three witches soaring through the smoke-filled air on their brooms.At the forefront, Rackham's keen attention to detail is apparent in the expressive postures and attire of the witches. Each character is depicted with distinct costumes and expressions, adding layers of personality and narrative. The leading witch gestures energetically upwards, guiding the flight. Her flowing robes and tousled hair suggest the rapid movement upward through the chimney, complemented by the curling smoke that frames the scene.The background provides a contrasting calmness, with a detailed yet muted portrayal of a sprawling landscape below. The twilight tones and the fine lines used to illustrate the distant horizon evoke a sense of depth and vastness, which enhances the illusion of the witches' high-altitude flight.Arthur Rackham's unique style of blending fantasy with a hint of darkness is on full display here, making "Hey! up the chimney, lass! Hey after you!" a fascinating visual story that invites viewers to imagine the adventures that lie ahead for these eerily joyful witches.


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Arthur Rackham (19 September 1867 – 6 September 1939) was an English book illustrator. He is recognised as one of the leading figures during the Golden Age of British book illustration. His work is noted for its robust pen and ink drawings, which were combined with the use of watercolour, a technique he developed due to his background as a journalistic illustrator.