Girl In A Fur Wrap (1886)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Sir John Lavery, known for his evocative portraits and skillful brushwork, presents us with the stunning "Girl in a Fur Wrap," painted in 1886. Immersed in soft, muted tones, this portrait captures a young woman gazing nobly into the distance, embodying a serene and thoughtful demeanor. Her auburn hair is neatly arranged in an elegant braid, adding a touch of sophistication and revealing the tender nape of her neck.The focal point of the painting is the luxurious fur wrap that drapes gracefully over her shoulders. The texture of the fur is rendered with such precision and depth that it invites the viewer to perceive the softness through sight. The wrap is adorned with a delicate white bow, which contrasts strikingly with the rich, darker shades of the fur.Her attire is complemented by a subtle red necklace that peeks from under her wrap, lending a hint of color that harmonizes beautifully with her flushed cheeks and gentle profile. The background, a soft abstract greenscape, ensures that the attention remains on her dignified poise and the rich details of her garb.


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Sir John Lavery was an Irish painter best known for his portraits and wartime depictions.

John Lavery was born in inner North Belfast, baptised at St Patrick's Church, Belfast and, while still a child, moved to Scotland where he attended Haldane Academy in Glasgow in the 1870s and the Académie Julian in Paris in the early 1880s. He returned to Glasgow and was associated with the Glasgow School. William Burrell, a wealthy ship owner, was a faithful patron of Scottish artists including Joseph Crawhall II, with whom Lavery studied. In 1888 he was commissioned to paint the state visit of Queen Victoria to the Glasgow International Exhibition. This launched his career as a society painter and he moved to London soon after. In 1896, William Burrell commissioned Lavery to paint a portrait of his sister Mary Burrell.