Still Life with Brioche, Fruit and Vegetables (1775)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Anne Vallayer-Coster's painting, "Still Life with Brioche, Fruit and Vegetables," painted in 1775, is a masterpiece of meticulous detail and rich texture, capturing the beauty and simplicity of everyday objects. This painting exemplifies Vallayer-Coster's prowess in depicting still life subjects with exceptional realism and sensitivity.The tableau centers on an array of foods arranged on a stone ledge, each element rendered with astonishing clarity. At the forefront, a golden brioche with its soft, textured surface invites the viewer closer, its flaky crust and tender crumb almost tactile. Beside it, glistening red currants spill from a glass bowl, their translucence contrasting strikingly with the opaque, rugged crust of the bread.Much of the painting's charm lies in the contrast of textures and colors. On the right, a cluster of peaches glows with a rosy warmth, their velvety skins juxtaposed against the cool, dark leaves that frame them. Next to the peaches, white and red radishes lay bundled together, their elongated roots tangled elegantly, adding a burst of bright color and a sense of freshness to the composition.The subdued, dark background enhances the vibrancy of the subjects, drawing the viewer’s focus toward the illuminated fruits, vegetables, and bread. Anne Vallayer-Coster’s use of light not only highlights the natural beauty and variety of textures in the still life but also creates a mood that is both serene and contemplative.


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Anne Vallayer-Coster (1744 – 1818) was a major 18th-century French painter best known for still lifes. She achieved fame and recognition very early in her career, being admitted to the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture in 1770, at the age of twenty-six.