Yin Yang

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Giclée quality print.


Reproductions are made to order and take 5 to 7 working days.

We send them out by courier and delivery takes another two working days.

If you need a reproduction sooner, please contact us - we can usually find a solution and produce it a little faster.

If you don't want to pay for postage, you can pick up your paintings at our galleries in Kaunas or Vilnius.


Yes, reproductions can be returned.

If you have any doubts more than 30 days after the date of purchase, please contact us - we will take the reproduction back for a refund or offer you a replacement!

We accept a maximum of two returns per customer - please note that we make reproductions to order, so please choose responsibly.

We do not refund shipping expenses.

I have been studying, working and teaching others in the arts field for 39 years. I am among the most famous calligraphers in Lithuania in the artists community. In my painting, I combine calligraphy, graphics, symbolism and positive psychology.

I create pictures and write calligraphy according to your orders.
You can always contact me with dated contacts.

Education in four different disciplines of the arts (textile, design, calligraphy, pedagogy of art), constant interest and learning in combination with analytical and systematic thinking helped me to acquire the status of competent personality. Thanks to the skills of a leadership and online psychology studies, I have coped with complex life challenges. The basis of my creativity is the developed imagination and strong intuition that intertwines with unshakable optimism. I live a healthy life, I have practiced yoga for a long time. With the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) method I help people to solve psychoemotional problems, to let go of the childhood traumas.

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