White Stallion

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"White Stallion," a painting by Danguolė Šerstinskaja, is a striking monochromatic depiction of a majestic white horse. The artwork is rendered in grayscale, emphasizing the play of light and shadow across the animal's body and mane. The horse's head is bent slightly forward, showcasing a muscular neck and a flowing mane that seems almost ethereal in its fine detail.The focus on capturing such intricate textures and the anatomical preciseness of the horse suggests a deep appreciation for the subject's form and the subtleties of its appearance. The softness of the horse’s eyes and the gentle arch of its nose highlight a serene, contemplative moment. The background is minimalistic, ensuring that all attention is drawn to the horse itself, accentuating its noble and gentle characteristics. This artistic choice serves to both isolate and glorify the horse, making it not just a subject of the artwork but a poignant figure of beauty and grace.Overall, the painting is a testament to the artist's skill in using dramatic tonal contrasts and fine details to convey the dignified presence of the white stallion.


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Danguole Serstinskaja a Lithuanian artist focusing on hyper realistic
animal paintings using an oil on paper technique. Danguole grew up in lush
and untouched Lithuanian nature which developed a deep emotional connection
with it.

Decades of experience bringing up various animals inspired her to create
art that focuses on animals, expressing their characters, souls, poses and
all the details.

After years of academic drawing she found and developed a rare dry brush
technique which perfectly aligned with this artistic vision.

She paints by applying oil on paper with a dry paint brush, working layer
by layer, shading and detailing until her vision is fulfilled. The result
is art with smooth and distinct tonal gradation and hyper realistic detail.

Danguole hopes that her art helps people form a deeper connection with
animals and contribute to the welfare of the animal world.

Danguole's works are owned by collectors around the world and have been
featured in international publications.
Chevalier Academic in Mondial Art Academia,
Professional Member in International Guild Of Realism IGOR
Associate Member of "The Society Of Animal Artists"
Represented by Alessandro Berni Gallery 2019-2020,
32 times awarded in American Art Awards, juried by America's 25 Best
Galleries / Museums.
International Art Professionals Awards 2019 1st place, Mondial Art Academia
American Art Awards "Masterpiece" Winner of 2018

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