
Technique: Giclée quality print
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In Daiva Staškevičienė's painting "Dreamer," we are presented with an intriguing and complex portrait of a young woman set against a vivid blue background. The woman's face, depicted with delicate and refined features, is turned slightly away from full frontal view, giving her a contemplative or introspective expression. Her eyes gaze to the side, as if lost in a daydream or absorbed in thought.One of the most striking aspects of this painting is the unusual and elaborate headgear the woman wears. It appears to be a whimsical, almost mechanical assembly made up of various objects and elements. These include gears, bubbles, and perhaps watch pieces, which combine to create a kind of surreal crown or helmet. This headgear could symbolize the complexity and richness of the subject's inner world or dreams. Each element might represent different thoughts, dreams, or aspects of her psyche.The use of texture and detail in the painting is meticulous, particularly noticeable in the lace at the neckline and the smooth yet nuanced treatment of the skin.


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