Summer Escort

Technique: Giclée quality print
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More about this artwork

"Summer Escort" by Modestas Malinauskas is a vibrant and whimsical painting that captures an imaginative scene filled with a sense of wonder and joy. The artwork features a large, fanciful building that appears almost as a castle, sprawling and constructed with a delightful blend of architectural styles that suggest a blend of medieval, baroque, and whimsical elements.The structure is painted with a warm, earthy palette of yellows, whites, and hints of red, giving it an old yet cheerful appearance. Its windows, balconies, and roofs are adorned with small details that add to the fantasy-like quality of the painting, such as striped awnings and little flags.Surrounding the building are lush green trees and a field of bright yellow sunflowers under a sunny sky, enhancing the summer feel of the scene. The landscape rolls gently into the distance, dotted with smaller trees and hints of other foliage, under a sky streaked with soft clouds.But perhaps the most enchanting part of this painting is the array of hot air balloons that float above and around the building. These balloons vary in size and design, featuring stripes, patches, and vibrant colors that complement the tones of the landscape.


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Hello, I am a Lithuanian artist Modestas Malinauskas. I was working as a fireman some time ago, now I am creating paintings.

Those paintings are born in my fantasies and dreams. Every single one has a story of its own. I always know the story, but sometimes it is not so easy to tell it in words. The easiest way for me to express it - is to paint it. 

My inspiration comes from traveling and different experiences in my life. What I see and what I feel stays with me and I express it with oil on canvases.

When painting, I often use artists knife and layering techniques. My works take some time to create, because of different layers of paint. I let the first few layers dry and after that, I apply transparent overlaps of paint. The end result is what you see. 

Enjoy my artworks! 

At REPRODUKCIJOS.LT you can find highest quality reproductions of Modestas Malinauskas artworks. They are printed on highest quality natural canvas, come stretched on a wooden frame and are ready to hang. Reproduction is a second best thing... after an original artwork.

If you are interested in originals, Modestas is an active artist and paints a few original paintings every year. If you are looking for an original artwork by Modestas, you can find and purchase them HERE!

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